Jumat, 22 Maret 2013


Sobat, mari kita mengenal lebih jauh tentang sekolah pengembang olahraga yang terletak di Kecamatan Kalasan ini. SMPN 1 Kalasan berdiri pada 31 Agustus 1962, dahulu namanya SMP Gotong Royong, lalu berubah menjadi SMPN 1 Bogem. Tahun 1997 namanya beralih lagi menjadi SLTPN 1 Kalasan dan pada tahun 2002 namanya menjadi SMPN 1 Kalasan sampai sekarang.
Sekolah yang mempunyai visi “ Unggul Prestasi, Tangguh Dalam Imtaq, Serta Cinta Tanah Air” ini telah mengukir banyak sekali prestasi dalam dunia pendidikan, baik tingkat Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi DIY, bahkan sampai Nasional. Dua tahun lalu, sekolah ini mendapat predikat Sekolah Standar Nasional (SSN).  Sebelum  mendapat predikat SSN, terlebih dahulu SMPN 1 Kalasan mendapat predikat Sekolah Andalan di Kabupaten Sleman.
spensaka.jpgSekolah yang terletak di Jl. Jogja-Solo km.13 ini juga mendapat penghargaan sebagai Sekolah Sehat Berwawasan Lingkungaan Hidup, karena kebersihan dan keindahan nya yang selalu terjaga, jadi tepat bila sekolah ini mendapat julukan Sekolah Adiwiyata. Lingkungan sekolah yang bersih, dan rindang  membuat para siswa nyaman belajar di sekolah. Selain lingkungan yang kondusif, fasilitas yang diberikan oleh sekolah seperti komputer, hot-spot area, dan perpustakaan semakin mendukung para siswa dalam proses belajarnya.
Karena mendapat julukan sekolah sehat, tentu saja terdapat fasilitas UKS yang selalu siaga merawat siswa-siswi yang sakit. Ada juga program rujukan ke Rumah Sakit terdekat apabila ada siswa yang menderita sakit yang dirasa cukup parah.
Selain prestasi yang diperoleh oleh sekolah, siswa-siswi SMPN 1 Kalasan juga tak kalah menyumbang berbagai piala kejuaraan bagi sekolah mereka baik prestasi akademik maupun non-akademik,  seperti Juara Harapan II Lomba Story Telling tingkat Nasional di tahun 2009, Lomba Futsal tingkat Nasional di Ujung pandang di tahun 2008.  Dan pada tahun 2010 ini SMPN 1 kalasan juga memborong piala kejuaraan seperti Juara 3 Lomba Cerdas Cermat Lingkungan Hidup di Kabupaten Sleman, juara 1 lomba Mading di Kabupaten Sleman, juara 1 Lomba Kesenian Tradisional Kabupaten Sleman, juara 1 Lomba Karawitan Tingkat Kabupaten Sleman, juara 1 Liga Pendidikan Indonesia(LPI), dan juara 3 LPI di provinsi DIY.
Segudang prestasi yang diperoleh tentu saja tidak lepas  dari peran Kepala Sekolah dan Guru. Fasilitas yang memadai dan  guru yang komunikatif sangat menunjang keberhasilan sebuah sekolah. Hal ini juga diterapkan di sekolah ini, sehingga pada tahun 2010 ini SMPN 1 KALASAN mendapat penghargaan sebagai Sekolah Pengembang Olahraga, karena prestasi olahraga yang diperoleh juga cukup banyak seperti juara 2 basket putri tingkat provinsi, dan juara 3 basket putra tingkat provinsi, juara 1 LPI Tingkat Kabupaten Sleman, juara 3 LPI Tingkat Provinsi DIY, serta masuk nominasi 10 besar lomba futsal / sepak bola mini tingkat nasional di Ujung Pandang. Fasilitas olahraga nya juga cukup lengkap seperti lapangan basket dan lapangan  sepak bola sehingga bisa mendukung para siswanya untuk berprestasi di bidang olahraga.
Sekolah yang memiliki 18 kelas ini membuat sebuah kebanggaan dengan kelulusan siswa-siswi kelas 9 nya yang lulus 100 % di tahun pelajaran 2010-2011 ini. Tentu tidak mudah mengajar siswa-siswi kelas 9 yang berjumlah 6 kelas untuk lulus 100 %. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Sleman, SMP yang berhasil lulus 100 % tahun ini hanya ada 3 sekolah. Peran guru, dan perhatian murid tentu saja sangat dibutuhkan dalam hal ini, sehingga dapat mengukir prestasi dan mengharumkan nama sekolah kita. Ayo kawan mari kita harumkan nama sekolah kita dengan rajin belajar, agar impian kita dapat tercapai.

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Lagu Terpopuler di Dunia

TheTopTens List

1Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
It's one of the greatest song ever made, totally captivating lyrically and extremely innovative musically all due credit to the Queen himself, Freddie Mercury. Simple put; this is the song with every element required.
When the writer of this song, the late Freddie Mercury had come into this studio with "Bohemian Rhapsody", the rest of the band had thought of it foolish, bizarre and odd---but went along with the "Fred thing"---now it is a masterpiece that has withstood time, even more than thirty years old----nothing, and no one has come close to re-creating something so tongue-and-cheek, innovative, and still makes teenagers want to bang their heads and air-guitar while driving. Simply the best.
It's daring, fun and doesn't fall short of bravado.

2Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
The poetic storytelling nature of Robert Plant's lyrics combined with Jimmy Page's brilliant musical composition places "Stairway To Heaven" as the number one rock song of all time. Mr. Page's arrangement of a dramatic crescendo type development with the song passing through stages along the way lend to his (and John Paul Jones) influence by classical music. His guitar solo in this song is one of his greatest played with undeniable passion and ease. "Stairway To Heaven" is a legendary song composed and performed by the greatest rock musicians of all time, Led Zeppelin.
This is an incredible song! It's so great that it's becoming the theme song for my school's prom. Led Zeppelin is like no other classic.
I wanted to select something from Beatles or something from Radiohead, but this is the best song in Rock history. Fantastic guitar. Great vocals. Amazing lyrics.

3Imagine - John Lennon
Hey you! It is totally incomprehensible that Bohemian Rhapsody is the first. Imagine is the song of all centuries, Queen and John Lennon aren't competitors because John Lennon is god and Queen is just the queen. So Imagine is the first-it's objective reality
Truly inspirational lyrics, to release your per-conceived or ingrained notions of time and space, division of people; those going to heaven vs. The hell-bound. The very best song of love not for one, but for all the people who live as one. A masterpiece.
It's best song, and one with the best lyrics ever. It's message is simple, but at the same very profound.

4Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
I love this song. Nirvana is one of my favourite bands ever! I really miss Kurt Cobain
Best song ever, we can smell his spirit, laugh out loud (i didn't understand. The best songs smell like going for the best. I love nirvana. NiRVANA NIRVANA NIRVANA! BEST SONG EVER ANYONE CAN LISTEN TO. Nirvana is part of rock's history, and deserves to be remembered from generation to generation. T smells like a perfect made delicious song that deserves to be in this list. Kurt was such a genius. This song has so much between the lines, it's awesome. I will always love NIRVANA. First time I voted another song.. The song is nice... But after listening this song I have changed by decision...
This song makes me want to run naked down the street... And I don't run Naked for just any song. It's like waking up in Russia lying on a moose rug.

5Earth Song - Michael Jackson
This is song is amazing! Michael's voice is unreal! This song is more popular! This is my lovely song!
Every one will cry while hearing this song if they are thinking about MJ. We really miss him. We love you Michael.. Forever you will live in our heartI like this song, is so beautiful, It says all the true about this world... You must that listen this song. We must that chance our personality and chance this world, we are finishing the planet and it is necessary to have conscience of it.

6One - Metallica
Amazing and moving, appealing to fans of thrash, metal in general, even pop fans... you can't help but be swept up in the epicness of it
An excellent, powerful, and meaningful song. I don't even know what else to say, it's too amazing!
Metallica is the best. This song really shows what their all about.
Darkness imprisoning me all that I see absolute horror I cannot live I cannot die trapped in myself body my holding cell!

7Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
Genius intro and solo by SLASH
Amazing work on rhythm by IZZY Stradlin
Badass awesome drummer Steven Adler
Cool bass by DUFF,...
Are You Kiddin me! That's Probably The Best Song in The History of Hard Rock! :O
<3 Slash!
It has everything a good rock song should have. An amazing riff, amazing lyrics, chorus and guitar solo.

8You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
You Raise Me Up is a fabulous song, but its Josh Groban's voice that really brings out the true beauty and power of the song.
You raise me up is a one in a million song it is dedicated to our parents which just brings it out.. Yeah it is one of the best songs I've ever heard.
Amazing song, I love listing to it every single day, fabulous, his voice is strong and powerful

9Hotel California - Eagles
awesome lyrics with great music makes this song a perfect song
I used to hear it more than 20 times a day... such a beautiful song and this was the song that made me die hard fan of eagles
The music is so beautiful. The Guitars, the vocals and everything in the song is so beautiful. I first heard this song when I was around 6 years old and I can sing it. I live in Thailand but I can sing "Welcome to the Hotel California" when I was so young. That's why this song in the best song. Hotel California from the Eagles is one of the best song ever! It's like a hymn where you can sing along and dance! It's just an incredible song which nearly everybody likes! One of the best!

10Crane's Crying - Vitas
Vitas songs very romantic and dreamy, his vocal very unique with high note and spelling his Russian words
Just wonderful! Vitas is driving me insane all the time... It is music for my ears, passion for my heart and the tragedy for my life... But I don't regret anything, any of the moment, which I spend on listening his music...
I love it so much. I've never heard such a beautiful song like this.